In the field of consumer goods Industry analysis says that a brand carries the most important impact on the customer’s mind. So each company in this vertical has to modify the products according to the requirement of the customer or end-user to make them more worthy of the cost. Because of such competition, continuous improvement and innovation are a big challenge.
A consumer goods market research
Global Microwave Oven Market 2023-2029
By Gen Consulting Company | Consumer Goods | Mar 2023 | Page 81
Microwaves are a safe, effective, and highly convenient cooking method. Microwave ovens are a common kitchen appliance and are popular for reheating previously cooked foods and cooking a variety of....
Global Insecticides Market 2023-2029
By Gen Consulting Company | Consumer Goods | Feb 2023 | Page 90
Insecticides are chemicals used to control insects by killing them or preventing them from engaging in undesirable or destructive behaviors. They are classified into ovicides and larvicides. These are in....
Global Food Packaging Testing Market 2023-2029
By Gen Consulting Company | Consumer Goods | Feb 2023 | Page 90
Food packaging testing services analyse packaging materials for product optimization, toxic analyses, problem solving, contamination, regulatory and food safety issues. The global food packaging testing market is likely to register....
Global Mosquito Control Market 2023-2029
By Gen Consulting Company | Consumer Goods | Feb 2023 | Page 83
Disease epidemics from viruses spread by mosquitoes are happening more often, including recent dengue outbreaks in many countries worldwide, the Zika epidemic, and the chikungunya epidemic. Not only can mosquitoes....
Global Sexy Lingerie Market 2023-2029
By Gen Consulting Company | Consumer Goods | Feb 2023 | Page 77
Sexy lingerie, also known as erotic lingerie, is undergarment that can arouse a sensation of excitement to whom ever wears them or to who views them. These fabrics can be....