Fiber Optic Component Attenuators Global Market Forecast & Analysis 2020-2030
Report Description
This is the ElectroniCast forecast of global consumption and technology trends of fiber optic component attenuators. We believe clients will find this report useful for planning of product and market development. Historical estimated data are presented for 2020, plus the year-by-year forecast through 2030.
This analysis and forecast and of America, EMEA and APAC regional consumption is presented for selected fiber optic connector and mechanical splice used in selected communication applications. The forecast for each component attenuator type, in turn, is segmented into each geographical region.
Types of Attenuators Covered in this Study
This is the ElectroniCast worldwide market forecast of the consumption of component-level fiber optic attenuators in communication applications. The optical attenuators, which are covered in this study, are fiber optic devices used to control (reduce) the power level of an optical signal used in an optical fiber. Fiber optic attenuators are an important part of the optical communication link by allowing the adjustment of signal transmission into the dynamic range of the receiver. Either a fixed or variable attenuator is generally positioned before a receiver to adjust optical power that otherwise might fluctuate above an extreme range of the receiver’s design, causing it to generate errors. The fiber optic attenuator market forecast is presented by the following product categories:
- Fixed
- Bulkhead/Plug/Panel Mount (Build-Out) with Connector
- In-Line Jumper with Optical Fiber (not connector)
- Variable (VOA)
- Manually VOA
- Electronically VOA
- Fixed
Fixed-type (not adjustable) fiber optic attenuators refer to the attenuator that can reduce the power of fiber light at a fixed value loss, for example, 5dB. While variable fiber optic attenuators refer to the attenuator that can generate an adjustable Loss to the fiber optic link. Fiber optic attenuators can be designed to use with various kinds of fiber optic connectors. The attenuators can be female-to-female, which are referred to as bulkhead- types; or male-to-female, which are referred to as plug-types. In-Line fiber optic attenuators are designed with a piece of fiber optic cable at any length and/or connectors.
Variable optical attenuators (VOAs) are either manually adjustable or electronically adjustable. VOAs have been widely used in fiber-optic communication, optical signal processing, fiber optic sensing as well as testing instruments.
Below, are three levels (or “food chain”) pertaining to the fiber optic attenuator marketplace. For the purposes of this ElectroniCast study, we quantify and provide a market forecast for “Level 2”
- Level 1 - The chip, die, specialty fiber
- Level 2 – The component-level fiber optic attenuator
- Level 3 – Module/Device (array attenuators, integrated modules, other)
This market forecast report quantifies stand-alone component-level fiber optic attenuators, as well as component-level fiber optic attenuators that are inside value-added or integrated modules or device/equipment.
When counting (quantifying) variable optical attenuator array modules and integrated modules, which may have more than one component-level attenuator, each component-level attenuator is counted separately. For example: with an integrated value-added module, we count only the complete (component-level) fiber optic attenuator as well as cost-adjusting for the optics, optical fiber alignments, and optical fiber and associated packaging, and other required materials.
Variable (adjustable) attenuators are ideal for simulating cable loss for research and development (laboratory) testing of optical communication link power limits or reducing power in the links where receivers are in the process of being overloaded. Fixed in-line (cable assembly/jumper) attenuators can distinguish the color band coding process to simplify the specification identification of the optical communication link components during field installation, stocking, or maintenance operations. VOAs (variable optical attenuators) enable adjustment capabilities, so the injected loss may be simply reduced as specific components degrade and increase their own attenuation over a few years.
The variable optical attenuators (VOA), also known as variable fiber optic attenuators (VFOA) is a basic building block for several optical systems such as wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) transmission systems, optical beam formers, fiber optic adaptive controls, and other applications.
For over 25-years, ElectroniCast has been tracking the worldwide use of component-level fiber optic attenuators in communication applications. In the market forecast, when counting (quantifying) variable optical attenuator array modules and integrated modules, which may have more than one component-level attenuator, each component-level attenuator is counted separately. For example: with an integrated value-added module, we count only the complete (component-level) fiber optic attenuator as well as cost-adjusting for the optics, optical fiber alignments, and optical fiber and associated packaging, and other required materials.
Attenuation is the reduction or loss of optical power as light travels through an optical fiber. The longer the fiber is and the farther the light has to travel, the more the optical signal is attenuated. Attenuation varies depending on the fiber type and the operating wavelength. For silica-based optical fibers, single-mode fibers have lower attenuation than multimode fibers. Typically, the higher (or longer) the wavelength, the lower the attenuation. This is true over the typical 800 - 1600 nm operating wavelength range for conventional datacom and telecom optical fibers.
Types of Applications Covered in this Study
The worldwide market forecast of the consumption of fiber optic attenuators is segmented into the following communication applications:
- Telecommunications
- Private Data LAN/WAN
- Cable TV
- Specialty
- o The Specialty applications category includes various types of vehicles, medical, sensors, industrial, energy/oil/gas, and harsh-environment, military/aerospace applications, as well as non-specified (miscellaneous uses).
Service providers that provide landline telephony are considered in the Telecommunications/ Multimedia category, even if they also provide Internet, Cable TV, as well as mobile/cell phone service; service providers that offer mobile/cell phone service (only) are considered in the Telecommunications application category.
Service providers that provide Cable TV and/or Internet and (plus) mobile/cell phone service is considered in the Cable TV/Multimedia application category.
Companies that provide Internet (only) are now considered in the Telecommunications/Multimedia category.
The market forecast data are segmented by the following functions:
- Consumption Value (US$, million)
- Quantity (number/units)
- Average Selling Prices (ASP $, each)
(1) Average selling prices for Bulkhead/Plug/Panel Mount attenuators – include the attenuator and the fiber optic connector
(2) Average selling prices for In-Line Jumper attenuators – include the attenuator and the optical fiber (the fiber optic connector/s) are not included in the selling price)
(3) Average selling prices for any other attenuator, which have optical fibers embedded with the attenuator, include the attenuator and the optical in the selling price
Note: This market forecast report quantifies stand-alone (also referred to as “discrete”) component-level fiber optic attenuators, as well as fiber optic attenuator components that are inside value-added modules, as well as embedded connector with the bulkhead/plug-type, and optical fiber with the in-line (type) of attenuator; otherwise, only the fiber optic attenuators are counted, not the entire value-added array module or other module-type.
Market Research and Analysis Methodology
- This study is based on analysis of information obtained continually over the past several years, but updated through the beginning of October (2021). During this period, ElectroniCast analysts performed interviews with authoritative and representative individuals in the fiber optics industry plus telecommunications, datacom, and other communication industries, instrumentation/laboratory – R&D and factory/manufacturing, from the standpoint of both suppliers and users of fiber optic link products. The interviews were conducted principally with:
- Engineers, marketing personnel and management at manufacturers of fiber optic attenuators, optical modulators, dispersion compensation products, optical fiber amplifiers, transmitters/receivers/transceivers, as well as laser diodes and photodiodes, application-specific ICs, packages, photonic switches, wavelength converters, DWDM and CWDM filters, ROADMs, couplers/ splitters, isolators/circulators, collimators, optical fibers and cables, substrate materials, optical waveguide and other components used in the fabrication of optoelectronic transceivers, cable assemblies and installation apparatus.
- Design group leaders, engineers, marketing personnel and market planners at major users and potential users of optical fiber and cable, cable assemblies, connectors, installation apparatus, passive devices and transceivers, such as telecommunication transmission, switching and distribution equipment producers, data communications equipment producers (switches, hubs, routers), computer and workstation producers, weapon system, aircraft and spacecraft electronic equipment producers, optical instrumentation system producers and others.
- Other industry experts, including those focused on standards activities, trade associations, and investments.
The interviews covered issues of technology, R&D support, pricing, contract size, reliability, documentation, installation/maintenance crafts, standards, supplier competition and other topics.
Customers also were interviewed, to obtain their estimates of quantities received and average prices paid, as a crosscheck of vendor estimates. Customer estimates of historical and expected near term future growth of their application are obtained. Their views of use of new technology products were obtained.
The analyst then considered customer expectations of near-term growth in their application, plus forecasted economic payback of investment, technology trends and changes in government regulations in each geographical region, to derive estimated growth rates of quantity and price of each product subset in each application. These forecasted growth rates are combined with the estimated baseline data to obtain the long-range forecasts at the lowest detailed level of each product and application.
A full review of published information was also performed to supplement information obtained through interviews. The following sources were reviewed:
Professional technical journals and papers
- Trade press articles
- Technical conference proceedings
- Product literature
- Company profile and financial information
- Additional information based on previous ElectroniCast market studies
- Personal knowledge of the research team.
In analyzing and forecasting the complexities of the world region markets for optical interconnect products, it is essential that the market research team have a good and a deep understanding of the technology and of the industry. ElectroniCast members who participated in this report were qualified.
Bottom-up Methodology ElectroniCast forecasts, as illustrated in the forecast data base structure, are developed initially at the lowest detail level, then summed to successively higher levels. The background market research focuses on the amount of each type of product used in the base year (2020), and the prices paid at the first transaction from the manufacturer. This forms the base year data. ElectroniCast analysts then forecast the growth rates in component quantity use in each application, along with price trends, based on competitive, economic and technology forecast trends, and apply these to derive long term forecasts at the lowest application levels. The usage growth rate forecasts depend heavily on analysis of overall end user trends toward digital broadband communication equipment usage and economic payback
ElectroniCast Market Research & Forecasting Methodology
Cross-Correlation Increases Accuracy The quantities of fiber optic attenuators, external optical modulators, chromatic dispersion compensator filter modules, optical fiber amplifiers, filters, wavelength converters, optical fiber and cable, connectors, transceivers, transport terminals, DWDM/WDM, optical add/drop MUX, photonic switches and other products used in a particular application are interrelated. Since ElectroniCast conducts annual analysis and forecast updates in each fiber optic related product field, accurate current quantity estimates in each application are part of this corporate database. These quantities are cross-correlated as a “sanity check.”
ElectroniCast, each year since 1985, has conducted extensive research and updated their forecasts of each fiber optic component category. As technology and applications have advanced, the number of component subsets covered by the forecasts has expanded impressively
Coronavirus Adjustment: October 2021 – There is a hint that the pandemic is approaching its final stages; however, the coronavirus pandemic remains a grave concern throughout the world. In some countries, there are businesses that remain slowed or closed, employment has been affected by quarantine of the public. Depending on country/region, political, economic, health and several other consideration factors, restrictions on public interaction could be extended several more months. Because of the impact on production, supply, decreases in sales, slowdowns in marketing, shipment and implementation (and other) caused by the negative effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19), we estimated a slowdown in consumption in 2020; however, driven by the immediate need to expand bandwidth in multiple applications and other applications (such as various sensor applications), we are forecasting a strong recovery.
ElectroniCast’s methodology in determining the slowdown of the increase in consumption (use) of fiber optic attenuators, begins with the volume (quantity) forecast before any considerations of the coronavirus impact. Then, we evaluated current manufacturing (not only connectors, but all relative components, products and services), inventory, distribution channels, shipping, logistics, sales/marketing channels, installation and maintenance, and user restrictions, with the emphasis on actual possibility of installations for both essential and non-essential or selective implementation of communication networks or other. Other considerations include: financial/economy in general, employment (staffing) of all levels, such as design, implementation, production, marketing/sales, management, OEM capability and product/service demand, distributors, sales agents, customers (at all levels), and many other concerns were considered.
All of the volume (unit quantity) evaluations were followed by evaluation of average selling price assessment, based on all of the (same) volume methodology assessments.
Proprietary Statement
All data and other information contained in this data base are proprietary to ElectroniCast and may not be distributed or provided in either original or reproduced form to anyone outside the clients internal employee organization, without prior written permission of ElectroniCast.
ElectroniCast, in addition to multiple-client programs, conducts proprietary custom studies for single clients in all areas of management planning and interest. Other independent consultants, therefore, are considered directly competitive. ElectroniCast proprietary information may not be provided to such consultants without written permission from ElectroniCast Consultants.
One-Fee Policy
This market forecast report, which is available immediately, is part of a consultant service from ElectroniCast Consultants to our clients. All employees of the client company/organization may use this report, worldwide at the consultant service subscription fee shown in the front pages of this announcemen.
1. Executive Summary 1-1
1.1 Overview 1-1
1.2 Fiber Optic Networks – Overview 1-26
2. Fiber Optic Attenuators Description and Forecast 2-1
2.1 Overview 2-1
2.2 Global and Regional Market Forecast 2-30
2.3 American Region Market Forecast 2-38
2.4 EMEA Region Market Forecast 2-44
2.5 APAC Region Market Forecast 2-51
3. Fiber Optic Attenuator Competitors and Related Entities 3-1
3.1 Company/Brand Profiles 3-1
Accelink Technologies Co., Ltd 3-3
AC Photonics, Inc. 3-4
Adamant Co., Ltd. 3-6
Advanced Connectek (ACON) 3-9
AFW Technologies Pty. Ltd. 3-10
Agiltron ® (Division of Photonwares) 3-11
Alcoa Fujikura Ltd. (AFL) 3-13
Amphenol Fiber Optic Products 3-16
Anixter International (WESCO) 3-19
Ascentta Inc. 3-20
Cablek Industries Cisco Systems 3-21
Cables Plus USA 3-22
Clearfield, Inc. 3-23
CommScope Inc. 3-24
Corning Incorporated (Optical Communications - Connectivity Products) 3-27
DAYTAI Network Technologies Co., Ltd. (Hangzhou) 3-32
Dersing Electronics Co., Ltd. 3-33
Diamond SA 3-34
DiCon Fiberoptics Inc. 3-35
Euromicron Group (Sachsenkabel) 3-37
EXFO Inc. 3-38
Fiberall Corporation 3-39
Fiber Connections, Inc. 3-40
Fiberdyne Labs Inc. 3-41
Fiberer Global Tech Ltd. 3-42
Fiber Instruments Sales Inc. (FIS) 3-44
Fiberlogix International Limited 3-45
Fibernet 3-46
Fiber Optic Devices Ltd. (FOD) 3-47
Fibertronics, Inc. 3-48
FirstFiber ( 3-49
Flyin Optronics Co., Ltd. 3-50
FOCC Technology Company, Ltd 3-51
FOCI (Fiber Optic Communications, Inc.) 3-52
Fostec Company, Limited 3-54
FS.COM Inc. 3-55
Furukawa / Fitel / OFS 3-56
GAO Tek Inc. 3-61
Gould Fiber Optics 3-62
Grandway Telecom Tech. Co., Ltd. (Shanghai) 3-65
Green Telecom Technology Co., Ltd 3-66
Hefei Xingcheng Communications Co., Ltd 3-67
Hirose Electric Co., Ltd. 3-68
Honda Tsushin Kogyo Co., LTD. (HTK) 3-69
Joinwit Optoelectronic Tech. Co., Ltd. (Shanghai) 3-72
Keysight Technologies (Agilent Technologies) 3-73
Kingfisher International 3-74
KOC Communication Company, Ltd. (KamaxOptic) 3-75
L-com ™ (L-com is an Infinite Electronics brand) 3-76
Lumentum Operations LLC 3-77
Microwave Photonic Systems, Inc. (MPS) 3-81
Molex, LLC (Koch Industries, Inc.) 3-83
NEL (NTT Electronics Corporation) 3-84
NeoPhotonics Corporation 3-89
Newport Corporation (New Focus™) 3-92
Ningbo MR Communication Accessories Company 3-93
North Optic Communication Company, Ltd 3-94
O/E Land Inc. 3-95
O-Net Communications Limited 3-96
Opneti Communications Company 3-97
Opterna (Belden Brand) 3-99
Optical Cable Corporation (OCC®) 3-100
OptiWorks, Inc. 3-101
Optokon a.s. 3-102
OptoNest Corporation 3-103
OptoSpan 3-108
Optosun Technology 3-109
Optotec -STL (Sterlite Technologies Ltd acquired Optotec S.p.A. in 2020) 3-110
Optowaves Inc. (merged with LIGHTech Fiberoptics) 3-111
OSTenp Corporation Limited 3-113
OZ Optics Ltd. 3-114
Powerlink Electronic Technology Co. Ltd (Shenzhen) 3-116
Precision Fiber Products (PFP) 3-117
Precision Rated Optics (PRO), Inc. (DBA Precision Rated Optics) 3-118
Princetel, Inc. 3-119
QualitY (Dongguan Qingying Industrial Co., Ltd.) 3-120
Radiant Communications Corporation 3-121
Reichle & De-Massari AG (R&M) 3-122
Santec Corporation 3-123
Sanwa Denki Kogyo Co., Ltd. (acquired Fiberon Technologies) 3-126
Seikoh Giken Company Limited 3-127
Senko Advanced Components 3-128
Sercalo Microtechnology Ltd. 3-129
Sinda Optic Technology Company, Ltd. (Shenzhen) 3-132
Sopto Technologies Co., Ltd 3-133
Spring Optical Communication Co., Ltd (Shenzhen) 3-134
Sunma International Industry Ltd. (Wuhan Sumna Technology Company, Ltd.) 3-135
Sun Telecom 3-136
SWCC Showa Holdings Co., Ltd. 3-137
Takfly Communications Co., Ltd. (Takfly Industrial Co., Ltd) 3-139
Techwin 3-140
Telecom Bridge (TB Tech) 3-141
Thorlabs 3-142
Timbercon, Inc. 3-143
II-VI Incorporared 3-144
Viavi Solutions 3-146
XDK Communication Equipment 3-150
Xerox Corporation 3-151
YHT Broadband Equipment Co., Ltd (Shenzhen) 3-154
Yokogawa Test & Measurement Corporation 3-155
3.2 Competitive Market Share Estimate (2020) – Selected Leading Companies 3-156
4. Fiber Optic Attenuator Technology Review 4-1
4.1 Overview 4-1
4.2 Selected Research Paper Summaries 4-8
4.3 Selected U.S. Patent Summaries 4-31
5. Methodology - Research and Analysis Methodology 5-1
List Of Tables
1.1.1 Global Fiber Optic Component Attenuator Forecast, by Type (Value Basis, $Million) 1-5
1.2.1 Harsh Environment Applications, Components & Devices/Parts 1-81
2.2.1 Global Fiber Optic Component Attenuator Forecast, by Type (Value Basis, $Million) 2-31
2.2.2 Global Fiber Optic Component Attenuator Forecast, by Type (Quantity Basis, Units) 2-32
2.2.3 Global Fiber Optic Component Attenuator Forecast, by Type (Avg. Selling Price, each) 2-33
2.2.4 Global Fiber Optic Component Attenuator Forecast, by Region (Value Basis, $Million) 2-34
2.2.5 Global Fiber Optic Component Attenuator Forecast, by Region (Quantity Basis, Units) 2-35
2.2.6 Global Fiber Optic Component Attenuator Forecast, by Application ($Million) 2-36
2.2.7 Global Fiber Optic Component Attenuator Forecast, by Application (Quantity, Units) 2-37
2.3.1 America – Fiber Optic Component Attenuator Forecast, by Type (Value Basis, $Million) 2-38
2.3.2 America – Bulkhead/Plug/Panel Mounted Fixed Attenuators (Value, Quantity, ASP) 2-40
2.3.3 America – In-Line Jumper Fiber Optic Fixed Attenuator (Value, Quantity, ASP) 2-41
2.3.4 America – Manual VOA Component Attenuators (Value, Quantity, ASP) 2-42
2.3.5 America – Electrically VOA Component Attenuators (Value, Quantity, ASP) 2-43
2.4.1 EMEA – Fiber Optic Component Attenuator Forecast, by Type (Value Basis, $Million) 2-46
2.4.2 EMEA – Bulkhead/Plug/Panel Mounted Fixed Attenuators (Value, Quantity, ASP) 2-47
2.4.3 EMEA – In-Line Jumper Fiber Optic Fixed Attenuator (Value, Quantity, ASP) 2-48
2.4.4 EMEA – Manual VOA Component Attenuators (Value, Quantity, ASP) 2-49
2.4.5 EMEA – Electrically VOA Component Attenuators (Value, Quantity, ASP) 2-50
2.5.1 APAC – Fiber Optic Component Attenuator Forecast, by Type (Value Basis, $Million) 2-51
2.5.2 APAC – Bulkhead/Plug/Panel Mounted Fixed Attenuators (Value, Quantity, ASP) 2-53
2.5.3 APAC – In-Line Jumper Fiber Optic Fixed Attenuator (Value, Quantity, ASP) 2-54
2.5.4 APAC – Manual VOA Component Attenuators (Value, Quantity, ASP) 2-55
2.5.5 APAC – Electrically VOA Component Attenuators (Value, Quantity, ASP) 2-56
3.1.1 Competitor Product Matrix - Fiber Optic Attenuator Competitors and Related Entities 3-1
3.2.1 Competitive Market Share Estimate (2020) – Selected Leading Companies 3-158
List Of Figures
1.1.1 Fiber Optic Component Attenuators Global Forecast, By Type ($Million) 1-4
1.1.2 EVOA Global Forecast, By Type ($, Million) 1-6
1.1.3 Variable Optical Attenuator MEMS Mirror Technology 1-9
1.1.4 Variable Optical Attenuators (VOAs) 1-10
1.1.5 Nano-electromechanical System (NEMS) Variable Optical Attenuator (VOA) 1-11
1.1.6 Fiber Optic Component Attenuators Global Forecast, By Application ($Million) 1-13
1.1.7 Fiber Optic Component Attenuators Global Forecast, By Region ($Million) 1-14
1.1.8 Optical Fiber Amplifier Performance Trends 1-18
1.1.9 Hand-Held Fiber Test Attenuator 1-23
1.2.1 Fiber Optic Network Topology 1-36
1.2.2 WDM/TDM-PON Technology 1-37
1.2.3 FTTP PON Architecture 1-74
1.2.4 HFC Distribution System 1-78
1.2.5 Data Center Facility, United States 1-90
1.2.6 High-Bandwidth Applications 1-94
2.1.1 Assortment of Fiber Optic Attenuators 2-2
2.1.2 Fixed-Type/Plug-Type (Male/Female) Attenuators 2-3
2.1.3 Fixed-Type FC/PC Bulkhead Female-to-Female Fiber Optic Attenuator 2-4
2.1.4 Fiber Optic Patch Panel- Rack Mount- 12 ports 2-5
2.1.5 Fixed-Type Fiber Optic Inline Attenuator with Jumper Cord/Connectors 2-6
2.1.6 Plug-Type Variable Manual Attenuator 2-7
2.1.7 Bulkhead-Type Variable Manual Attenuator 2-7
2.1.8 Manual Fiber Optic Variable Attenuator Module 2-8
2.1.9 MEMS-Based Electronically Fiber Optic Variable Attenuators 2-9
2.1.10 MEMS Variable Optical Attenuator Schematic 2-10
2.1.11 Fiber-To-The-Home (FTTH) Installation 2-11
2.1.12 Metro Ethernet 2-12
2.1.13 Integration vs. Discrete Solutions 2-18
2.1.14 Configuration of the ROADM Optical Switch Module 2-20
2.1.15 Dynamic Wavelength Processor Wavelength Selective Switch (WSS) 2-22
2.1.16 Optical Channel Monitor 2-29
3.1.1 MEMS Variable Optical Attenuator 3-4
3.1.2 Manually Tuned Variable Optical Attenuator 3-5
3.1.3 MEMS Variable Optical Attenuator (VOA) 3-6
3.1.4 In-Line Fixed Attenuator 3-8
3.1.5 Plug-In Fixed Attenuators 3-8
3.1.6 Fixed Attenuator with LC Connector 3-9
3.1.7 Single-Mode Optical Fiber Attenuators— Buildout Style 3-14
3.1.8 Fixed In-Line Attenuators 3-16
3.1.9 Fixed Plug Style Attenuators 3-17
3.1.10 MTP - 2x Loopback In-Line 3-18
3.1.11 Fiber Optic Power Reducing Build Out Attenuator 3-26
3.1.12 Build-Out Optical Attenuator - LC 3-30
3.1.13 In-Line Optical Attenuators, Flat Wavelength, LC UPC 3-31
3.1.14 Manual Variable Optical Attenuator (VOA) with Collimator 3-32
3.1.15 MEMS Biomedical Variable Optical Attenuator 3-36
3.1.16 Fixed-Type Optical Attenuator 3-40
3.1.17 Manual-Type Variable Optical Attenuator 3-41
3.1.18 Very Small Free-Space VOA 3-43
3.1.19 Mechanical Variable Airgap-Type Attenuators 3-52
3.1.20 Optical Fixed Attenuators 3-53
3.1.21 LC (Connector-Type) Build-On Attenuators 3-60
3.1.22 Test Attenuator 3-62
3.1.23 Miniaturized Type Manual Variable Optical Attenuators 3-63
3.1.24 In-line Fixed Single-mode Wavelength Flattened Attenuators 3-64
3.1.25 Assorted Fixed-Type Fiber Optic Attenuators for Use with Cable Assembly 3-68
3.1.26 Assorted Pluggable Attenuators with Various Connector-Types 3-71
3.1.27 Four-Channel Multimode Optical Attenuator 3-73
3.1.28 Fiber Test Attenuator 3-74
3.1.29 Manual Variable Optical Attenuator with fiber and Connectors 3-78
3.1.30 MEMS Variable Optical Attenuators 3-79
3.1.31 Variable Optical Attenuators Chips 3-80
3.1.32 Adjustable Air-Gap Style Multimode Optical Fiber Attenuator 3-82
3.1.33 Arrayed Variable Optical Attenuator Module 3-85
3.1.34 VOA Multiplexer / Demultiplexer Module 3-86
3.1.35 Illustration of the Use of a VOA Multiplexer / Demultiplexer 3-87
3.1.36 Illustration of a VOA Multiplexer / Demultiplexer Module 3-87
3.1.37 Optical Function of M-Z Interferometer on Silica PLC 3-88
3.1.38 Variable Optical Attenuator Multiplexer (48 Channels) 3-90
3.1.39 Variable Optical Attenuator 3-91
3.1.40 Mirror Variable Optical Attenuator 3-97
3.1.41 Product Offering 3-101
3.1.42 MPO Attenuator 3-106
3.1.43 MEMS Based VOA 3-107
3.1.44 Attenuator Box with Three Attenuators 3-112
3.1.45 Variable Optical Attenuators 3-113
3.1.46 MEMS Variable Optical Attenuator 3-115
3.1.47 In-Line Attenuator (Male / Female) Fixed Fiber Optic Attenuators 3-118
3.1.48 Dual-Polarizer-Based Stepper Motor-Driven PM Fiber VOA 3-119
3.1.49 Fixed-Type Optical Attenuators 3-121
3.1.50 Compact Optical Variable Attenuator 3-124
3.1.51 Miniature Variable Optical Attenuator, coaxial design 3-130
3.1.52 Broadband Variable Optical Attenuator 3-131
3.1.53 Fixed-Type Optical Attenuator Structure Comparison 3-138
3.1.54 Fiber Optic Attenuators 3-141
3.1.55 Electronic Variable Optical Attenuators 3-142
3.1.56 Wideband Tunable Filter with Variable Optical Attenuator (VOA) 3-145
3.1.57 Variable Optical Attenuator (VOA) Module/Box 3-147
3.1.58 Optical Level Attenuators 3-149
3.1.59 High-performance Variable Optical Attenuator Modules 3-155
4.1.1 Fixed-Type Optical Attenuator Structure Comparison 4-3
4.1.2 Dual-Polarizer-Based Stepper Motor-Driven PM Fiber VOA 4-5
4.1.3 Variable Optical Attenuator Dies 4-6
4.1.4 MEMS-Based Variable Optical Attenuator Module 4-7
5.1 ElectroniCast Market Research & Forecasting Methodology 5-4
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