Home Automation: Patent, Business Opportunity, and Brand Strength Analysis
Home automation involves automated home management systems and intelligent control systems. Leading international vendors have aggressively rolled out control systems combining sensor modules and service platforms for home automation such as Googles Google Brillo and Apples HomeKit. This report will discuss the main applications of home automation, major countries holding home automation patents, distribution of the patents by sector and field, and key patented technologies such as data processing, network communications, control system, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence; examines the strategic planning and challenges of leading home automation companies including Samsung, Sony, Microsoft, Google and Honeywell. Also included are the insights about market opportunities of home automation solutions for newcomers.
1.Introduction to Technology
2. Patent Mining
2.1 Patent Search
2.1.1 Selecting a Patent Database
2.1.2 Identifying Search Keywords
2.1.3 Data Selection
2.1.4 Data Analysis
3. Trends Analysis
3.1 Data Mining
3.1.1 Analysis of Trends by Country
3.1.2 Analysis of Trends by Sector and Field
3.1.3 Analysis of Trends by Key Technology Field
3.2 Key Patents
3.2.1 Intelligent Controller for Environmental Control System in Smart Home Environment
3.3 R&D Readiness Analysis
3.3.1 Relative R&D Intensity
4. Patent Portfolio Analysis
4.1 International Assignees
4.2 Development of Major Companies
4.2.1 Samsung
4.2.2 Sony
4.2.3 Microsoft
4.2.4 Google
4.2.5 Honeywell
5. Conclusions
Glossary of Terms
List of Companies
List Of Tables
Table 1: Home Automation Patent Distribution Share by Technology Field
Table 2: R&D Intensity of Top 20 Home Automation Patent Assignees
Table 3: Home Automation Patent/International Assignee Matrix Analysis
Table 4: Home Automation Patents International Rights holders Layout Analysis - Man-Machine Interface, Cloud Computing, Information Security
List Of Figures
Figure 1 Service Platform of Home Automation
Figure 2: Patent Analysis of Home Automation Share by Country
Figure 3: Patent Analysis of Home Automation Share by Sector
Figure 4: Patent Analysis of Home Automation Share by Field
Figure 5: Home Automation Patent Distribution Share by Classes and Subclasses
Figure 6 Intelligent Controller Patent for Home Automation
Figure 7: Illustration of Home Automation Solutions from Leading Brands
List of Topics
Overview of the home automation technology, including smart thermostat, smart lighting system, smart energy management system, household security system, home alarm & sensor system.
Analysis of 290 patents by technology field and sector using the data mining technique; also included are the detailed profile of top 20 assignees and their relative R&D intensity ranking.
Trend analysis of the global home automation industry by country, by field, by sector.
Analysis of home automation development of major players, including Samsung, Sony, Microsoft, Google and Honeywell.
Detailed analysis of home automation patent/assignee matrix and includes major assignees patent portfolio for image analysis
List of Companies
General Electric
LG Electronics
Mitsubishi Electric
Philips Electronics
Whirlpool Corporation
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