Germany Immunodiagnostics Market Database

Germany Immunodiagnostics Market Database

This unique report provides information and analysis not available from any other published source.

The report is available by section, and can be customized to specific information needs and budget.

This database provides the 2023 supplier shares, the 2023-2028 volume and sales forecasts for 100 clinical chemistry, TDM, endocrine, cancer, immunoprotein and abused drug assays, as well as comprehensive lists of companies developing or marketing new technologies and products by test, including:

Clinical Chemistry

Albumin, Alkaline Phosphatase, ALT/SGPT, Ammonia, Amylase, Apolipoprotein A-1, Apolipoprotein B, AST/SGOT, Beta-Hydroxybutyrate, Bilirubin (Direct), Bilirubin (Total), BNP, BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen), Calcitonin, Calcium, Carbon Dioxide/Bicarbonate, Cardio hs CRP, Chloride, Cholesterol, Cholinesterase, Creatine Kinase (CK), CK-MB, Creatinine, CRP, Cystatin C, Ferritin, Fructosamine, GGT, Glucose, HDL Cholesterol, Homocysteine, hs-CRP, Insulin, Iron, Iron (Total Binding Capacity), Iron (Unsaturated Binding Capacity), LDH, LDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol Direct, Lipase, Lipoprotein a, Magnesium, Microalbumin, Myoglobin, NT-proBNP, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, ST2, Total Protein, Transferrin, Triglycerides, Troponin, Uric Acid

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM)

Amikacin, Apixaban, Argatroban, Betrixaban, Carbamazepine, Cyclosporin, Dabigatran, Digoxin, Edoxaban, Everolimus, Fluindione, Gentamicin, Levetiracetam, Lithium, Methotrexate, NAPA/Procainamide, Phenobarbital, Phenytoin, Quinidine, Rivaroxaban, Sirolimus, Tacrolimus, Theophylline, Tobramycin, Topirimate, Valproic Acid, Vancomycin, Warfarin

Endocrine Function

Cortisol, Estradiol, FSH, HCG, Gastrin, Growth Hormone/IGF-1, LH, Progesterone, PTH/IO PTH, Prolactin, T3, T3 Free, T3 Uptake, T4, T4 Free, TBG, Testosterone, Thyroglobulin Ab, TPO Ab, TSH

Tumor Markers and Special Chemistry

AFP, CA 15-3/27-29, CA 19-9, CEA, Ferritin, Follate (Folic Acid), Glycosylated Hemoglobin, HCG, 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D2 and D3, Occult Blood, PAP, PSA, Thyroglobulin, Vitamin B-12


C3, C4, Free Light Chains, Haptoglobin, IgA, IgE Specific, IgE Total, IgG, IgM, Immunofixation, Prealbumin, Protein Electrophoresis

Drugs of Abuse

Amphetamines, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Cannabinoids/Marijuana, Cocaine, LSD, Methadone, Methaqualone, Opiates, Phencyclidine (PCP), Propoxyphene, Tricyclic Antidepressants

Geographic Regions and Countries


Australia, Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Vietnam


Albania, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, Ukraine

Latin America

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Venezuela

Middle East
Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates

North America
Canada, Mexico, USA

List Of Tables

Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Albumin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Alkaline Phosphatase Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Amylase Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Bilirubin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Blood Gas Analyzers
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
BUN Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Calcium Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Cholesterol Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Creatinine Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Electrolyte Tests

Major Companies Developing or Marketing
GGT Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Glucose Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
HDL Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Iron Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
LDH Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Magnesium Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Phosphorus Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Protein Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Triglycerides Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Uric Acid Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
TDM Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Digoxin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Lithium Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Phenytoin/Dilantin Tests

Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Theophylline Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Valproic Acid Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
FSH Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
HCG Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
LH Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Prolactin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
T3 Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
T4 Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
TSH Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
AFP Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
CEA Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Ferritin Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Occult Blood Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Prostatic Acid Phosphatase Tests

Major Companies Developing or Marketing
PSA Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Vitamin B-12/Folate Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
CRP Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Drugs of Abuse Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Biosensors for Immunological Testing

Executive Summary Table: Germany, Clinical
Chemistry and Immunoassay Test Volume and
Diagnostics Sales Forecast By Test Category
Germany, Laboratories Performing Chemistry
and Immunoassay Tests By Market Segment
Germany, Hospital Laboratories Performing
Chemistry and Immunoassay Tests By Bed Size

Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories
Performing Chemistry and Immunoassay
Tests By Annual Test Volume
Germany, Total Chemistry and Immunoassay
Specimen Volume Forecast
Germany, All Market Segments, Specimen
Volume Forecast By Test Category
Germany, Total Clinical Chemistry and
Immunoassay Test Volume Forecast By Test Category

Germany, Routine Chemistry Test Volume
Forecast By Market Segment

Germany, Endocrine Function Test Volume
Forecast By Market Segment

Germany, Tumor Markers and Special
Chemistry Test Volume Forecast
By Market Segment

Germany, Immunoprotein Test Volume
Forecast By Market Segment
Germany, TDM Test Volume Forecast
By Market Segment
Germany, Drugs of Abuse Test Volume
Forecast By Market Segment
Germany, All Market Segments, Profiles,
Panels and Individual Tests Forecast
Germany, Hospital Laboratories, Profiles,
Panels and Individual Tests Forecast
Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories,
Profiles, Panels and Individual Tests Forecast
Germany, Physician Offices/Group Practices,
Profiles, Panels and Individual Tests Forecast
Germany, All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Germany, Hospital Laboratories, Routine
Chemistry Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories,
Routine Chemistry Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Germany, Physician Offices/Group Practices,
Routine Chemistry Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Germany, All Market Segments, Endocrine
Function Test Volume Forecast by Assay

Germany, Hospital Laboratories, Endocrine
Function Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories,
Endocrine Function Test Volume Forecast
by Assay
Germany, Physician Offices/Group Practices,
Endocrine Function Test Volume Forecast
by Assay
Germany, All Market Segments, Tumor Markers
and Special Chemistry Test Volume Forecast
by Assay
Germany, Hospital Laboratories, Tumor Markers
and Special Chemistry Test Volume Forecast
by Assay

Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories, Tumor
Markers and Special Chemistry Test Volume
Forecast by Assay

Germany, Physician Offices/Group
Practices, Tumor Markers and Special
Chemistry Test Volume Forecast
by Assay
Germany, All Market Segments,
Immunoprotein Test Volume Forecast
by Assay

Germany, Hospital Laboratories,
Immunoprotein Test Volume Forecast
by Assay
Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories,
Immunoprotein Test Volume Forecast
by Assay

Germany, Physician Offices/Group Practices,
Immunoprotein Test Volume Forecast
by Assay

Germany, All Market Segments, TDM
Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Germany, Hospital Laboratories, TDM
Test Volume Forecast
Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories,
TDM Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Germany, Physician Offices/Group
Practices, TDM Test Volume Forecast
by Assay
Germany, All Market Segments, Drugs
of Abuse Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Germany, Hospital Laboratories, Drugs
of Abuse Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories,
Drugs of Abuse Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Germany, Physician Offices/Group Practices,
Drugs of Abuse Test Volume Forecast by Assay
Germany, Total Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Reagent Market Forecast By Test Category
Germany, Clinical Chemistry and
Immunoassay Calibrator and Control Market
Forecast By Test Category

Germany, Routine Chemistry Reagent Market
Forecast By Market Segment
Germany, Endocrine Function Reagent Market
Forecast By Market Segment
Germany, Tumor Markers and Special Chemistry
Reagent Market Forecast By Market Segment

Germany, TDM Reagent Market Forecast
By Market Segment
Germany, Immunoprotein Reagent Market
Forecast By Market Segment
Germany, Drugs of Abuse Reagent Market
Forecast By Market Segment
Germany, All Market Segments, Routine
Chemistry Reagent Market Forecast
by Assay
Germany, Hospital Laboratories, Routine
Chemistry Reagent Market Forecast
by Assay
Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories,
Routine Chemistry Reagent Market Forecast
by Assay
Germany, Physician Offices/Group Practices,
Routine Chemistry Reagent Market Forecast
by Assay
Germany, All Market Segments, Endocrine
Function Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Germany, Hospital Laboratories, Endocrine
Function Reagent Market Forecast by Assay

Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories,
Endocrine Function Reagent Market Forecast
by Assay
Germany, Physician Offices/Group Practices,
Endocrine Function Reagent Market Forecast
by Assay
Germany, All Market Segments, Tumor Markers
and Special Chemistry Reagent Market Forecast
by Assay

Germany, Hospital Laboratories, Tumor Markers
and Special Chemistry Reagent Market Forecast
by Assay

Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories,
Tumor Markers and Special Chemistry Reagent
Market Forecast by Assay
Germany, Physician Offices/Group Practices,
Tumor Markers and Special Chemistry Reagent
Market Forecast by Assay
Germany, All Market Segments, TDM
Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Germany, Hospital Laboratories, TDM
Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories,
TDM Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Germany, Physician Offices/Group
Practices, TDM Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Germany, All Market Segments,
Immunoprotein Reagent Market Forecast by Assay

Germany, Hospital Laboratories,
Immunoprotein Reagent Market Forecast
Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories,
Immunoprotein Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Germany, Physician Offices/Group Practices,
Immunoprotein Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Germany, All Market Segments, Drugs of
Abuse Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Germany, Hospital Laboratories, Drugs of
Abuse Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Germany, Commercial/Private Laboratories,
Drugs of Abuse Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Germany, Physician Offices/Group Practices,
Drugs of Abuse Reagent Market Forecast by Assay
Germany, Major Suppliers of Clinical
Chemistry Reagents, Estimated Sales and
Market Shares
Germany, Major Suppliers of Clinical
Chemistry Analyzers, Estimated Instrument
Sales and Market Shares
Germany, Major Suppliers of Clinical
Chemistry Diagnostics Products, Estimated Sales
and Market Shares
Germany, Major Suppliers of
Immunoassay Reagents, Estimated Sales
and Market Shares
Germany, Major Suppliers of Immunoassay
Analyzers, Estimated Instrument Sales
and Market Shares

Germany, Major Suppliers of Immunoassay
Diagnostic Products, Estimated Sales and
Market Shares
Germany, Clinical Chemistry and Immunoassay
Instrument Market Forecast By Analyzer Type

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