Global Surgical Booms Market Research Report 2021-2025
By 9Dimen Research | Medical Devices | Jul 2021 | Page 178
Surgical booms have become increasingly popular with the advent of minimally invasive surgery and integrated operating rooms. In the context of China-US trade war and global economic volatility and uncertainty,....
Global Implantable Pacemaker Market Research Report 2021-2025
By 9Dimen Research | Medical Devices | Jul 2021 | Page 164
An implantable pacemaker is a medical device, which is implanted in the body of a patient. In the context of China-US trade war and global economic volatility and uncertainty, it....
Global Gene Editing Tools Market Research Report 2021-2025
By 9Dimen Research | Medical Devices | Jul 2021 | Page 166
Genome editing is a type of genetic engineering in which DNA is inserted, deleted, modified or replaced in the genome of a living organism. In the context of China-US trade....
Global Venous Thromboembolism Treatment Market Research Report 2021-2025
By 9Dimen Research | Medical Devices | Jul 2021 | Page 135
A venous thrombus is a blood clot that forms within a vein. In the context of China-US trade war and global economic volatility and uncertainty, it will have a big....
Global Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) Treatment Market Research Report 2021-2025
By 9Dimen Research | Medical Devices | Jul 2021 | Page 152
Mucopolysaccharidoses are a group of metabolic disorders caused by the absence or malfunctioning of lysosomal enzymes needed to break down molecules called glycosaminoglycans. In the context of China-US trade war....