2019 Communication Equipment Competitive Intelligence: Motorola Performance, Capabilities, Goals and Strategies

This report is part of the Competitive Analysis Series, which includes current assessments of more than 1,000 companies worldwide. The assessments include all or some of the following: Organization and Management, Acquisitions and Divestitures, Facilities and Employees, Research and Development, Technological Know-How, Key Products, Marketing Capabilities, Financial Results, Strengths and Weaknesses, and Strategic Direction.

The report provides significant competitor information, analysis and insight critical to the development and implementation of effective marketing and R&D programs.

In dynamic and fragmented industries, besieged by intense competition and rapid change of technological innovations, the ability to anticipate new product introductions and marketing strategies is particularly important...and can spell the difference between success and failure.

The reports objectives include:

- To help current suppliers realistically assess their financial, technological and marketing capabilities vis--vis its competitors.
- To assist potential market entrants in evaluating prospective acquisitions and joint venture candidates.
- To complement the organizations internal competitor information gathering efforts with strategic analysis, data interpretation and insight.
- To identify least competitive market niches with significant growth potential.

The Connected Consumer Survey 2019: digital services in Europe and the USA

The Connected Consumer Survey 2019: digital services in Europe and the USA market research report available in single user pdf license with Aarkstore Enterprise at USD 1499

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The Connected Consumer Survey 2019: fixed broadband retention and satisfaction in Malaysia and the Philippines

The Connected Consumer Survey 2019: fixed broadband retention and satisfaction in Malaysia and the Philippines market research report available in single user pdf license with Aarkstore Enterprise at USD 4999

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Global Satellite Communication Equipment (SATCOM) Market 2022 - Snapshot

The global satellite communication equipment market market is projected to rise by USD 15 billion by 2028, according to a new report by Gen Consulting Company. It is anticipated to

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Global Voice Communication Equipment Market Research Report 2021-2025

Audio call is a communication method through voice and transmission media. In the context of China-US trade war and global economic volatility and uncertainty, it will have a big influence

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