Development Trends and Opportunities in the Global Smartphone Radio Frequency Industry (pre-order)

The global mobile communication radio frequency (RF) market has undergone significant changes with the advent of 5G communication. Qualcomms introduction of a comprehensive solution from baseband to antenna has gradually positioned it alongside other traditional RF giants. Furthermore, in response to the escalation of the China-US trade war, China actively promotes local production capacity, achieving supply chain autonomy. Chinese RF manufacturers, riding on the growth of 5G communication and support from domestic smartphone manufacturers, are gradually achieving localization. This, however, presents a potential key factor hindering the development of leading RF companies. This report provides an overview of the global mobile communication wireless RF market, identify opportunities arising from the U.S. ban, and examines the impact of the Chinese players on the global landscape.

Advanced Wireless Semiconductor
Cavendish Kinetics
Lansus Technologies
Maxscend Technologies
Microgate Technology
Onmicro Electronics
Smarter Microelectronics
Vanchip Tech
WIN Semiconductors
Table of Contents
1.Global Mobile Communication Wireless RF Market Landscape
1.1 Five Major Manufacturers Dominate the Mobile Communication RF Front-end Market
1.2 Growing Importance of 5G mmWave Increasing, Becoming a Focus of RF Brands
1.3 Qualcomms Incremental Expansion in the RF Market through Corporate Strategy and Baseband Advantages
1.3.1 Strengthening Qualcomms Influence in the RF Market through Acquisitions, Baseband-to-Antenna Integration, and Processor Dominance
1.3.2 RF Performance Relies on Integration with Baseband Chips
2. Opportunities Arise from the US Ban: China Promotes Self-sufficieny in RF Development
2.1 China Expands Domestic Semiconductor and Technology Industry R&D Capacity
2.1.1 Expanding the Scope and Impact of US Export Restrictions: A Response to Huaweis Development Blockage Since 2019
2.2 China RF Industry Becoming Active with Domestic Supply Chain Support
2.2.1 Maxscend Technologies Enters Huaweis Supply Chain
2.2.2 Vanchip Tech Supplies RFs to Major Chinese Smartphone Brands
2.2.3 Chinese Smartphone Brands Will Gradually Increase the Adoption of Domestic Components to Mitigate the Impact of US Ban
3. Impact of Chinese Players on the Global RF Market Landscape
3.1 Major RF Manufacturers Shift Focus to the Entry-level Market in Response to Global Smartphone Saturation
3.2 The Rise of Chinese RF Manufacturers and Chinese Smartphone Brands Affect Revenue of Top-tier Companies
3.2.1 The Supply of RF Components for Entry-Level Smartphone by Chinese Brands is Localizing
3.2.2 The Development of mmWave T4chnolgoy and Filters is a Key Focus for Chinese RF Manufacturers Advancing Domestic Production
3.3 The Impact of Chinese RF Domestic Independence on Taiwanese Counterparts Keeps Increasing
4.MIC Perspective
List of Companies

List Of Figures

Figure 1: Distribution of International Leading Brands Processor, Baseband, and RF Products


Figure 2: Major Events in the International Telecommunications and RF Industry


Figure 3: Chronology of U.S. Government Sanctions and Export Controls on China


Figure 4: Distribution of Chinese RF Industry Players and Major Clients


Figure 5: Comparison of SAW and BAW

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