Greece telecoms market report 2021

Author - Polytimos Kontos

This country report and accompanying data annex provide a comprehensive overview of Greeces telecoms market, including KPIs and data on subscribers, penetration, revenue and ARPU. The report analyses the strategies of major players in the countrys fixed and mobile telecoms markets, and includes market share data and operators infrastructure status.

Company coverage

This report includes information on the following companies.

  • Deutsche Telekom (Cosmote)
  • Forthnet (Nova)
  • Vodafone
  • Wind Hellas

Data coverage

The data annex was updated in April 2021 with 4Q 2020 data.

Analysys Masons country report data annexes provide a range of key metrics for each countrys telecoms market. Full-year historical figures are supplied for the past 10 years, alongside quarterly figures for the current calendar year. Metrics include the following.

Fixed telecoms market


Mobile telecoms market


  • Total voice (narrowband and VoBB)
  • Narrowband
  • VoBB
  • Total broadband
  • Broadband split by access technology: DSL, cable modem, FTTP/B, BFWA and other
  • IPTV
  • Dial-up Internet
  • Household penetration (for voice and broadband)
  • Unbundled local loops



  • Total (handset plus mobile broadband, excluding M2M)
  • Split by prepaid and contract, and prepaid share
  • Population penetration for total, prepaid and contract
  • 3G, and 3G percentage of total
  • Handset, and split by smartphone and basic
  • Handset population penetration
  • Broadband
  • Broadband population penetration
  • MVNO penetration

Revenue and ARPU

  • Service revenue
  • Service revenue as percentage of GDP
  • Service revenue per head of population per month
  • Retail revenue (defined as service revenue minus wholesale revenue)
  • Retail revenue as percentage of GDP
  • Retail revenue per head of population per month
  • Retail revenue split by type of service: voice (including split by narrowband and VoBB, and split by narrowband access and calls), broadband (including split by technology), dial-up Internet, business network services
  • Broadband retail revenue as a percentage of fixed retail revenue
  • Voice ARPU per month
  • Broadband ARPU per month


Revenue and ARPU

  • Service revenue
  • Service revenue as percentage of GDP
  • Service revenue per head of population per month
  • Service revenue split by prepaid and contract, and prepaid share
  • Service revenue split by voice and data, and data as percentage of service revenue
  • Retail revenue (defined as service revenue minus wholesale revenue)
  • Retail revenue as percentage of GDP
  • Retail revenue per head of population per month
  • Split by voice and data
  • ARPU per month (total, prepaid and contract)


  • Fixed-originated minutes
  • Outgoing MoU per active connection



  • Mobile-originated minutes
  • Outgoing MoU per active connection

Operator-level metrics/market share

  • Broadband subscribers by major broadband operator (and associated market shares and year-on-year changes)
  • DSL connections (incumbent and total, incumbents share)
  • Incumbent’s market share of service revenue


Operator-level metrics/market share

  • Connections (and associated market share)
  • Prepaid and contract connections
  • Proportion of prepaid accounts
  • ARPU per month (total, prepaid and contract)
  • Service revenue
  • Service data revenue (as a percentage of service revenue)

Total telecoms market (fixed and mobile)

  • Voice connections
  • Broadband connections
  • Service revenue
  • Service revenue as percentage of GDP
  • Service revenue per head of population per month
  • Retail revenue (defined as service revenue minus wholesale revenue)
  • Retail revenue as percentage of GDP
  • Retail revenue per head of population per month
  • Retail revenue split by voice and data
  • Originated minutes

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